8pm – 1:30am Informers (Kabri) gang became the New Headache for Mumbai Police.

Author: Jennifer Nadar : SIT Head
8pm – 1:30am Informers (Kabri) gang became the New Headache for Mumbai Police.

Written by Jennifer Nadar
Mumbai | March 09, 2023, 15:10 IST

Mumbai, The headache in the Mumbai Police has increased a lot due to the Informers. Many times the information of the informer works, but also the same time informer is also defaming the police department. According to the information received from the sources, the police solve such blind cases in which many times there is no clue. In many cases, informers play an important role. These police informers often start misusing the names of police officers. In the name of the top officers of the police department, these newsmen roam around in debauchery and expensive mobiles, expensive cars, etc.

They collect monthly hafta (extortion) from bar owners, lodge owners, Spa owners and hookah parlour owners. Many informers have Press cards, Police Mitra cards, on the basis of which these informers dominate the above said businessmen. And by showing the power of their high reach, they straighten their zig-zag path. Somewhere there are informers who use the cards of political leaders while showing the influence of political reach. When they get trapped, they call the office and tell him that he works for a such and such officer. Journalist organizations and social service people are demanding the police commissioner, and chief minister to expose their exploits against such news reports and to ban their activities and stop their rumour mill.

So that it cannot do black exploits by spreading false news and rumours and the noose of the law can be tightened on them. Top police officers can curb this evil spreading in society by investigating the news. Is demanding the Chief Minister expose their exploits and ban their activities and stop the spreading of their rumours. So that it cannot do black exploits by spreading false news and rumours and the noose of the law can be tightened on them.