Debo Times Expose Leads to Successful Transfer of House Occupied Illegally by Sanju Tusambad as a Pig Slaughterhouse to Legal Owner, Sarita

Author: S S Nadar | Editor
Debo Times Expose Leads to Successful Transfer of House Occupied Illegally by Sanju Tusambad as a Pig Slaughterhouse to Legal Owner, Sarita

Updated on: 19th MAY 2023 04:00 PM IST | Mumbai

Investigative reporting by Debo Times brings an end to the unlawful occupation and gruesome activities on residential property

MUMBAI - In a shocking revelation, the illegal occupation of a residential property by Mr. Sanjay Tusambad, commonly known as Sanju, has been exposed as a pig slaughterhouse, thanks to the relentless efforts of local news outlet Debo Times. The news outlet's courageous reporting played a pivotal role in the eviction process, resulting in the successful transfer of the property to its rightful owner, Sarita.

The alarming discovery was made when Debo Times initiated an investigation into the prolonged occupation of the house located at Kanchpada No. 1. What began as a case of illegal occupation took an even more disturbing turn when evidence emerged, suggesting that the property was being used as an unauthorized pig slaughterhouse.

Debo Times, known for its commitment to unbiased reporting and uncovering the truth, conducted a thorough investigation, gathering evidence, testimonies, and photographs that exposed the gruesome activities taking place within the occupied house. The news outlet's team of dedicated journalists worked tirelessly to bring this shocking revelation to light.

The series of articles published by Debo Times shed light on the unscrupulous activities occurring within the house, raising public awareness and prompting swift action from authorities. The community, shocked and appalled by the discovery, rallied behind the news outlet's efforts to ensure justice for the property owner and put an end to the illicit operation.

Local law enforcement, prompted by the evidence presented by Debo Times, acted swiftly to address the illegal occupation and shut down the unauthorized pig slaughterhouse. The police executed a successful operation, ensuring the safe removal of the animals and the cessation of all unlawful activities within the premises.

The rightful owner, Sarita, who had suffered significant distress and financial loss during the occupation of her property, expressed immense gratitude towards Debo Times for their unwavering dedication and the role they played in restoring her rights as a homeowner. Sarita's long and arduous journey to regain possession of her house was finally realized, bringing her much-needed relief and closure.

Debo Times continues to be at the forefront of advocating for justice and community welfare. Their rigorous reporting and commitment to holding wrongdoers accountable have once again made a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by injustice.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of independent journalism in uncovering hidden truths and exposing unlawful activities that jeopardize the well-being of the community. The collaborative efforts of Debo Times, law enforcement, and concerned citizens have brought about a significant victory, safeguarding the rights of the homeowner and putting an end to the grisly operations within the property.

1) Illegally Occupied house pre and post-both videos are available with us.
2) How Sanju Tusambad occupied the house of Sarita during the lockdown statement is available with us.